Thursday, December 31, 2009

Let's end 2009 with a small bang. :) I cannot sleep and now its almost 1.30am. There are too many things going on in my brain. I drank quite a bit this evening and AM supposed to be tired and drowsy and sleepy and AM supposed to be in bed by now.

I tried. But I close my eyes and my brain is still working. Its still churning and turning and processing things. After i log on to FB it got worse......

My eyelids are heavy. My eyes are tired. But my brain refuse to sleep..... everytime I try to close my eyes my brain reacts by playing images that are affecting me... Who understands ah?

I tried to talk about it. But at this time of the nite, even terror and junior is sleeping you know.... then i remember you my :)

Well... I dun think I wan to say anything here cos I will dream about it later.... :)